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tv   [untitled]    October 27, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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more weapons find their way into the besieged libyan city of bani one thousand struggled to flee the violence coming from pro-government forces in the area this amid growing calls for the international community to acknowledge the ongoing bloodshed. it's illegal isn't gulped in a wave of anti-government protests as demonstrators in the north of the country
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clashed with police and tens of thousands marched in the capital for what's been dubbed and to month to day. and to the same mantra will share it message bring sultans of demonstrators to the parliament in madrid outrage over the sweeping spending cuts and praise by the spanish government. leader of al qaida calls on muslims to back syria's rebels while an opposition group kidnaps a lebanese journalist in aleppo saying his work is not compatible with the revolution. and as obama and romney tried to out run each other with just ten days left before the us presidential elections third party candidates strive to awful real change to the country's electric.
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you're watching our live from moscow it's a bit chilly here and it's very hope you can warm up with us this evening. thousands of families are struggling interests gave from the besieged libyan city of bani walid as the bloody assault by pro-government militias continues into its third week authorities are saying military action has been stopped an aid is being distributed however sources inside the city says there's no water food or medicine fighters in the area also blocking a desert highway trapping those who managed to flee the violence. look at this. this good this gun and this people know this sure thing now when you don't know when we know this is the outside and doesn't know what the we're doing when i was living with you thing when when one of the government along bottlebrush why it was
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chaotic shelling they fired it harms and shelters indiscriminately more than two thousand families have fled seven families are with us at the moment yesterday we fled to the valley but they were firing at us even their their families who died in the shelling children died too they fired by women and children straight to their heads. i soon motions and rockets of our hands i saw the dead. a libyan political activist whose relatives inside bani walid says the international community is ignoring the crisis in libya just a warning you may find some of the following images in this report upsetting. power schemes are being. housed are being burned out there is the people who are inside the city who can move. and leave the city or you go a few of the militia of fear of the. belongings in silence even if the
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united nations to go on to future to let people go inside their houses you will see a. picture. of him until he embraces the west and is going through our own lives in letting these militias do with the whole of the world to the libyan leader killed and tortured and no one. is criticizing these militias so i will leave you alone with them on the first of the will of the interference of use militias. nato maintains it had the right to intervene in libya last year in order to end the bloodshed however in an about face members of the alliance are now reluctant to do acknowledge the humanitarian disaster in bani walid the former british ambassador to libya oliver miles i says nato no longer has any responsibilities in the country. i think that these problems
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are got to be sorted out by the libyans and they are being sorted out of the worst problem at the moment is the one in bali were lead and that's a political problem compounded by a very old feud between two challenge between misurata and bani walid the fighting that's going on now is directly because of the belief that the people in by the will lead have been harboring prove it out for ya i'm not sure opposed to the to the revolution on the new government you can call a humanitarian crisis it's relatively small the town of bani walid has something like seventy thousand inhabitants the number of fighters who are believed to be loyal to gadhafi is not very large but of course fighting is terrible and of course it's got to it we must hope that it comes to an end as soon as possible now argy is keeping a close eye on the situation and one small firsthand account from the embattled
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town not available at r.t. dot com check out the analysis on the troubles libya is facing and yeah off to its longstanding lead up while my dad was toppled in the arms of culture with the help of nato. massive crowds have descended on the spanish parliament voicing their anger over seville sterritt see cuts imposed by the government r.t. sarah firth report right from the heart of the protests in madrid. is that he's number that attend that here in l.a. this week is it showing the movement twenty five percent of the country and now unemployed one in four spaniards are out to work and that's obviously cruising a huge amount of value almost thirty years a dozen homeowners experience this proclaims the euro crisis doesn't discriminate we've seen protests like this happening in italy in greece it matured add in
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protests going on we saw clashes breaking out in the north of italy the level of anger amongst people who really rising we've seen this euro crisis. quite says dragging on for a number of years now really causing people as a very man of economic planning rome has seen tens of thousands come out and what has being called the n t monti day protesting the belt tightening measures italy's current prime minister is taking researcher jerome russo believes people are wrong to fear that they country could fall victim to the widening euro crisis. but people who are very well aware that the government's main goal is to who was the story on the italian people and so the protest ball was really to discredit the government in a much broader sense and in our view for a return to a more democratic form of politics in europe the problem is that the situation is that only getting worse especially since november last year when this i mean the
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technocratic government came to power and we've seen serious tax hikes we've seen in spending cuts we've seen reforms in all the holes in the pension system a. veritable of assaults on labor rights and here in florence i mean you can even see it in the streets in the outskirts there are more and more people who are sleeping out in the streets i mean the poor girls at night and the situation it's getting worse it's not just out there as it is but i do think that it's in the immediate next in line with the situation in in spain especially it's been further out of control over the altar that is actually not to have cut back spending money to invest more in the economy to invest in growth to make sure that there are jobs and the only way to ultimately get out of this debt is to grow your way out of that and not just cut your way out of it so one of the main arguments of the people here is that it is if you actually listen to the people who are not too good for the national interests from abroad you will come up with a lot more sensible a lot more rational response to this crisis so without all the updates on the protests in the e.u.
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as our correspondent brings you the latest throughout the day. the leader of al qaeda i men. has a muslim to kidnap westerners as a means to free in prison jihad ists a new video posted online he also has to support the syrian rebels with quote all that they can and quote. the accuser the international community of allowing president asked that the chance to defeat the syrian opposition a terrorist leader sees the conflict as an opportunity for the rise of islamists in the country meanwhile in the a city of aleppo rebel groups have kidnapped a lebanese journalist saying his work is not online with their revolution money well or then that rater added to in t.v. of a german monthly news magazine says not the first time rebels have resorted to such
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tactics. what they do is a criminal action of this journalist but he is not the first journalist to work at night we see and a huge number of journalists we are chilled by the by the rebels in syria were killed by related groups i just want. to remember that the journalists of the syrian t.v. channel syrian used to be which where we killed some journalists and where the news building was also in the end of june this year so what i ask where are the organizations where are the organizations. withheld or where are they protesting against these actions and i ask myself something else i have been in syria as a journalist. i was in the masters and what i can say i met a lot of journalists who were not reporting consistently to the syrian government
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because they were not detained they were not given their fear of free to rule this country so you see that there is a huge difference holderness birth in syria and there is that a monster a huge difference in the risk. as a conflict drags on it's not only syrians living inside of the war torn country that have been peds just across the border any israeli occupied territory one community of syrians up facing tough times and slides of trade with damascus. and that's often a something. flying north with me in this old soviet work or so the helicopter is dr van amir brodsky and his team from the region's medical aviation service we head across ever more barren tundra higher and higher into russia's arctic far north until eventually we
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see our landing spot with arrive at this tiny village after crossing hundreds of kilometers of snowy wilderness as a boy here suffering from favre and the doctors are going to see what they can do. inside a small building not one but two babies and their parents are waiting for us the doctors inspect them but can't make a diagnosis and decide to bring them to a regional hospital for better care spread lana doesn't like taking her baby away from home but she's been before and agrees to go that's the usual practice with those who live in it to indra they keep mothers with their newborns in hospital for a month. on the way back another stop to check on the health of some native minutes reindeer herders out in the tundra it can take many hours to reach the nearest village so a medical problem simply fixed here in the tent that i wish they used to be but now we can go to civilized places so we call for emergency help. back at hospital other
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patients helped by the air ambulance are being treated the service costs fourteen million dollars a year to run and there's been controversy with some claiming that locals exaggerate. or make up health problems and use the helicopters as a free taxi service by causations vladimir firmly dismisses your brother is not true usually the calls are perfectly justified sometimes we even reproach locals for waiting too long before calling us he's been working as a doctor now for forty three years but let him it was confident the diva now after he retires his helicopter doctors will remain a lifeline to the peoples of the russian fall north. what lies ahead for action will the movement mobilize calls for
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a new america who stands for the ninety nine percent us election a close guide monday october twenty ninth on r.t. . more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are all. you're watching ardsley good to have you with us the race for the u.s. presidency is heading towards its final week where the polls showing both republican and democrat candidates as being effectively tied on many americans
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disenchanted with obama and romney might be ready for an alternative some don't even realize there's already a different choice larry huffman is took to the streets of new york to find out if people know third party candidates exist at all. this week third party candidates for the u.s. presidency held a debate do americans even know that this week let's talk about that did you watch the third party debates. what do you think did best. obama do best no that's not the third party debate who do you think did a good job in the third party debate i still think the parag obama did a little bit better job than mitt romney i know that's a third party debate that was the main candidates the day but the third parties are we have actual other candidates that are running did you know that no i didn't there's jill stein she's the the green party there's gary johnson libertarian and
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none of these names ring a bell and i don't think it's unfortunate that americans don't know they have more than two main options but you know we're stuck with democrats or republicans we don't go over for that so why do you think that is. the tradition. tradition. we do we used to i don't think either one of the third party have other ideas other than democratic them somewhere sure they do they're against the n.c.a.a. they're against the war on junk they're against drone strikes there's a lot of other ideas coming from you don't agree with any of that no drone strikes no why not pursue protecting us and saving our soldiers from being killed even when they have a very low actually preventing straight unfortunate collateral damage as part of war you know what else is running beside the to mean one don't i don't so do you feel informed enough to make a vote. no. for to go get it right i think the
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media has pretty much walked that whole aspect out why do they do that they're supposed to be impartial the supposed to be saying the news the poor ocracy you know i mean. you've got democrats you've got republicans two heads of the same snake and they're both supporting big business big corporations they want to make it look like you have a choice you know which persists to say it's the same coin so it seems like most americans don't know there are more than two candidates running for president and with only a few days left of voting day chances are obama or romney is going to be elected. or be in blogs all of the mainstream media third party candidates do have a chance to deliver their message to the voters here on our team and a little more than a week the final round of the us presidential third party debate will be hosted on
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this very channel and the run up to the event moderator tom hartman from marty's of the big picture shows his view on his significance. third parties historically have have influenced presidential elections there's never been a third party that actually won one but there have been third parties that have changed the nature of presidential elections i don't think that in this election cycle the third parties are going to have a real significant effect in terms of this particular election but what they are doing and what these debates are doing is raising those issues raising those topics and subjects that generally are ignored by both the corporate mainstream media and the two major political parties in ways that that tend to energize movements and movement politics is typically where actual political change happens movement politics eventually infiltrate even major party politics so so i think that these are very important dates. does the final round of all the third party debates you
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can watch that here on r.g.p. on monday november fifth and don't forget we have special coverage of the u.s. elections on a and online each week a looking at the race with a fresh start in this monday we assess the presidential campaign through the eyes of the protest movement focusing on domestic policies and the economy. what will change when america picks its president amid muslim rage walking the around tightrope pushing china and russia as occupying anger spreads the two parties still dictate will serve. you a selection of clothes if they are to beginning of july twenty second. activists have staged a protest in central moscow to support opposition figures who were this week charged with plotting disorder in russia the rally was broken up by police who said the group by late in the know all requiring advance permission so demonstrations in
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the city center some leaders who were detained but released. the protesters demanded all charges against high profile opposition be said ok we dealt solved and those that are acting the streets row now it's. friday all of that preparing undressed in russia for this all some investigation was triggered by documentary shown on national t.v. . we have no news for you on our website obscene dot com let's say the local what's there for you right now the reason why everyone but i don't want the french president social security budget for two point eight they have all the countries women. in new beginnings up for the muzzleloader the online media lab and skim up dot com found out that megaupload our web site has a new product find out what. our teeth.
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as the bloodshed in syria continues its effects are being felt in the nearby israeli occupied golan heights one jewish community which has for years been dependent on damascus is now facing desperate times because of the conflict artie's irina girlish girl reports. you cannot hear the gunfights of homes and the local from here but residents of the small village of merged in the golan heights are nevertheless feeling the effects of fighting in syria since two thousand and five the druze farmers here in the golan heights have been selling the excess of their crops to damascus a trade facilitated by the united nations and the red cross but since their arrest began in syria many farmers here start to worry that these sweet apples may end up being
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a rather bitter fruit. apples are the main source of income for the druze families in this area until seven years ago they struggled while trying to compete with the produce of the israeli settlers who locals say go the same apples but because of these rather government subsidies pay less to go the harvest and sell for a bigger price an offer from damascus seemed like a blessing at the time the syrian government looking. out of syria their produce our produce is part of syria so they were committed to use to help. farmers. for marketing. the golan heights have been occupied by israel since one thousand nine hundred sixty seven some twenty thousand jews living here consider this land syrian and themselves syrians does a helping hand from damascus seemed a logical solution to the problem even the israeli government allowed the export to take place but with the civil war raging on across the border there still has been
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no offer for the apples from the syrian government something which begins to worry local farmers. we are just simple people we have no idea of politics but our country used to be. and now the north and that affects us financially farmers say this year's harvest is much bigger than last year's but says the quota for the israeli markets has already been made and syria remains silent the jews leave much of the produce to route. out the whole of the middle east is in trouble now. and we are the ones getting hit it it goes courting the golan heights. let's take a look at some other stories from around the world series of attacks in iraq among the muslim holiday. and leaving at least thirty one day and around a hundred injured one of the first acts of violence a roadside bomb was detonated as a bus carrying pilgrims from iran. passed by
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a little later there was a gun attack on worshippers in the northern city of mosul origins and are promising to ramp up security during the holy period. thousands of protesters have clashed with police in the chinese city of new. over the proposed expansion of a chemical factory demonstrators claim that the increase pollution from the plunder will negatively impact their health local police were forced to break up the rally after being attacked with rocks residents however said that the protests turned violent only after security forces used tear gas and began arresting activists. headed to the moon to be the next a big source of energy that and much more in the latest episode of technology update.
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which is slow often enough and knows that to ride a horse you've got to catch it first. for him it's a daily routine that your soft as a horse breeder on the island of a horn at the heart of. his life on an isolated farm is about blue sky green grass and his horses. sometimes it gets lonely here but horses have become part of me now i've fallen off so many times sometimes big bites as well it's part of my every day life. i'll holmes been home to it make brats locally just laugh for centuries most still live off the land cattle and fish every evening local villagers place their nets and in the morning
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the catch is always good. we always have enough here. if by call is often called the pearl of siberia and horn is said to be the pearl of by call it's all end of fake forests. and vast staps. it's also a place of traditions respected by locals and travelers the like. an economist turned adventurer has crisscrossed by called shores and learned its customs well. you see pillars like this and thought to have supernatural powers every traveler who comes he asks. spirits to make the journey easier give them strength and fulfill the dearest wishes i knew virtually undiscovered by tourists
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until some twenty years ago i was cornish quickly becoming a magnet for nature lovers and fuel seekers but those used to five star pampering maybe end for a surprise the island's infrastructure has yet to catch up with the growing demand here quite some way from civilization here accommodation on the island is very basic so you can forget about a t.v. or even running water for most people a tent is the on the eruption but for those who come here it's exactly what they're looking for. and journeyed to by call can be unique trip of a lifetime and the locals say once you've seen it you'll be coming back again and again.
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oh and welcome to technology updates with demand soaring and resources limited the sun could be setting on an outdated era of global energy simply put new alternatives to invoke alternative sources or the best bet going forward energy directly from the sun is often the first thing that comes to mind when people mention solar power however when you really think about it the sun's responsible for far more than just fueling solar panels. wind farms are an indirect result of the sun's rays as convection currents drive global streams and create the majority of the globe. and in fact there'd be no plants or trees to make biofuels from if
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there was no sun to spur on photosynthesis in the first place. as those plants die off and decompose thermal heat and pressure slowly turns those into fossil fuels like coal and oil there is one source of energy that has no apparent connection to the sun. the moon is to think for the motion of the ocean that we know is the tides of proximity a much stronger influence than the sun. the moon circles the globe the water closest to it gets cold especially at the equator there's also a smaller bulge on the other side as the solid earth is literally pulled away from the oceans further from the moon when the sun moon and earth are aligned we get the strongest tides and if you're in the right place at the right time the moon even provides enough energy to title bores funnel incoming water down narrow river ways . in this right reflect the eternal nature of the moon's tide.


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